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Meet Jay — Hardlines Director at Rocket Growth

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Hello Jay. Please introduce yourself.    

Hello, I'm Jay and I am the Hardlines Director at Rocket Growth. Since joining Coupang in January last year, I've been actively evangelizing Rocket Growth to many of our micro and SME sellers to help them focus on boosting their sales and marketing while also increasing revenue and improving customer experience.   

As many of our WOW members already appreciate our slogan "How did I ever live without Coupang?" we champion Rocket Growth to create a win-win situation through Coupang’s outstanding shipping and return experiences. We are rapidly growing together with our sellers by closely collaborating to achieve shared goals across verticals, products, and pricing.  


Can you describe what you do to help candidates understand better?  

At Rocket Growth, we introduce and recruit sellers to Rocket Fulfillment services, which enable them to grow sales by enhancing product exposure and overall satisfaction with the buying experience.  

Once sellers are onboarded, we provide guidance on launching, stabilizing, and growing their sales. We analyze the sales of products that have been converted to Rocket Growth and encourage additional product conversions. We also advise on appropriate stock levels and guide timely restocking to prevent any opportunity costs from products going out of stock.   


What are your backgrounds? How do you think those backgrounds were helpful when you joined Coupang or in your current job?  

I worked in international sales and expatriate operations for an electronics manufacturing company, analyzing, planning, and executing the entire business; as a buyer for a North American consumer electronics retailer, I learned negotiation skills and the flow of distribution; and as a global retail marketing manager for a global electronics company, I learned to plan, execute, and manage the elements that make sales happen at stores, such as displays and people.     

My three favorite Coupang leadership principles are “Dive deep,” “Think systematically” and “Aim High & Find a Way.” I leverage my experiences to closely examine data in detail and execute plans as intended in a self-driven, fun and collaborative manner.  

Tell us about the unique culture of Rocket Growth if there is any.   

In sales, it is essential to accomplish assigned targets, which are most often presented in numerical terms. We aim for team members to take initiative in designing their own tasks, achieve or exceed their planned goals, share their ‘how-to’ methods, and most importantly, enjoy what they do. Although this is more of an ongoing goal than a fully established culture, those who embrace it quickly and deeply tend to stand out in their performance.   


Tell us about your most memorable or proudest moment since joining Rocket Growth. 

As they say, "let the numbers speak," I feel proudest when we hit our monthly and quarterly goals. But what really matters is more than simply achieving goals; it's what we plan, how we make efforts, and what we learn that make work enjoyable and drive us to go the extra mile.  


Do you have any final goal you want to achieve as part of the Rocket Growth team?  

By collaborating and delivering results, we want to rapidly grow Rocket Growth and offer the widest range of products available in the Korean market, which still holds a wealth of opportunities, to our WOW customers at attractive prices through Coupang’s fulfillment service. We hope to make our slogan “How did I ever live without Coupang?” resonate with even more customers. 

Is there anything you want to share with potential candidates who want to join Rocket Growth? 

We look forward to seeing you here at Rocket Growth, where you can have fun, grow together, and experience amazing things. 

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